Alpha poems
By: Fred H. Woodruff
To be an Alpha man means more than just to wear a pin,
It requires intrinsic qualities that are developed deep within,
It calls for lasting Brotherhood, a word sometimes used in vain,
It means an honest devotion, not anticipation of personal gain.
Fraternity speaks of brotherly love, that's something to achieve,
It's more than a grip of hands, it's and ideal to conceive.
You're proud to be an Alpha, and share her praises won,
before you inflate yourself with pride, ask yourself honestly,
how much work have done?
To realize the wealth of personal satisfaction,
from knowing you've given your all,
To have helped her cause unfalteringly, when you rally to her call.
To combine all these qualities, and root them deep within,
The product would be an Alpha man, deserving of his pin.
So take an honest inventory of your character within,
and for every virtue you find missing, try to weave it in.
For a man without these virtues isn't worth a grain of sand.
It's plain to see it's more than just a pin that makes an Alpha man!!!
To Be a Alpha Man
"Don't Quit"
When things go wrong as they sometimes will.
When the rode you're trudging seems all up-hill.
When the fund$ are low and the debts are high.
When you want smile, but have to sigh.
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must, but Don't quit!!
Life is queer with its twist and turns,
As every one of us sometime learn,
And many a fellow turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out.
Don't give up, though the pace seems slow,
You may succeed with another blow.
Often the goal is nearer than,
It seems to a paint and faltering man.
Often the struggler has given up
When might captures the victor's cup.
And he learned too late when the night came down,
How close he was to the golden crown.
Success is failure turned inside out,
In a silver tent, in a cloud of doubt.
When you never can tell how close you are.
It may be near, when it seems afar.
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit,
It's when things seem worst that your mustn't quit.
House of Alpha
Brother Sidney P. Brown
Goodwill is the monarch of this house, men unacquainted, enter, shake hands, exchange greetings and depart friends. Cordiality exist among all who abide within. I am the eminent expression of friendship. Character and Temperament change under my dominant power. Lives once touched by me become tuned and are thereafter amiable, kindly, fraternal. I inspire the musician to play noble sentiments and assist the chemist to convert ungenerous personalities into individuals of great worth. I destroy ignoble impulses. I constantly invoke principles which make for common brotherhood and the echo resounds in all communities and princely men are thereby recognized. Education, Health, Music, Encouragement, Sympathy, Laughter, all these are species of interest given of self invested capital. Tired moments find me a delightful treat, hours of sorrow, a shrine of understanding, at all times I am faithful to the creed of companionship, to a few, I am the castle of dreams, ambitious, successful, hopeful dreams. To many, I am the poetic place where human feeling is rhymed to celestial motives; to the great majority, I am the treasury of Good Fellowship. In fact, I am the College of Friendship; the University of Brotherly Love; the school for the Better making of men. I AM ALPHA PHI ALPHA!