Chapter History

Welcome to the website of the Xi Delta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. We are located in Henrico County within the Metropolitan Area of Richmond, VA.
Xi Delta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. was chartered on March 5, 1982 in Henrico County, Virginia. The official chartering ceremony was held on May 22, 1982 at the Holiday Inn Downtown.
The charter members of Xi Delta Lambda Chapter are Phillip E. Battle, James P. Cuffee, Alan J. Foster, Sr., John S. Greene, Jr., Clifton Johnson, James M. Johnson, John C. Puryear, Leo H. Ross, Weldon H. Smith, Dennis R. Winston, James E. Wright, Jr., and Carrol E. Zanders.
Over the past 40 years Xi Delta Lambda has been involved with many programs in the Richmond community. We strive to excel with all we do and look forward to having productive endeavors within the years to come.
Xi Delta Lambda has positioned itself to be leader amongst leaders in a time in history where the aims our Fraternity are of the utmost importance. "Manly Deeds, Scholarship, and Love for All Mankind" are not only the aims of our Fraternity, but are the substance of which Xi Delta Lambda operates in an effort to improve our community, our nation and our world.
The founding fathers of our organization became innovators in all areas of society and Xi Delta Lambda continues that tradition with our mentoring of young men, education of our community on political procedures and the need for participation in the voting process. We are committed to being our "Brother's Keeper" as we support one another to strengthen our community.
Xi Delta Lambda has been deeply involved in the educational, health, and political fabric of the community. The chapter has sponsored Career Awareness Programs in the public schools, health fairs, March on Henrico County, March on Washington (1983), Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Learning Week sponsor, voter registration, sponsor students to Eastern Regional Leadership Workshop, Project Alpha, and our Weldon H. Smith scholarship golf tournament.
Xi Delta Lambda has been a mainstay in the Virginia Association of Chapters of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. (VACAPAF) since the chapter was chartered. Chapter brothers, elected or appointed, have served as area director, president, first vice president, financial, corresponding, and recording secretary, director of college affairs, and director of conventions. Xi Delta Lambda has maintained a visible presence on the regional level where chapter brothers have served as area director, area coordinator, risk management coordinator, district director, regional convention chairman, and regional treasurer.
Chapter Accomplishments
Xi Delta Lambda was twice selected Alumni Chapter of the Year by VACAPAF and the Eastern Region. Three chapter brothers were selected Alumni Brother of the Year by VACAPAF and the Eastern Region. And in 1987 a chapter brother, Leo H. Ross, was selected National Alumni Brother of the Year.
Xi Delta Lambda has provided the community with much of its leadership. Chapter members have served as scouting leaders, vice president of the NAACP, president of the Henrico County Civic League, Pan Hellenic Council of Metro Richmond, Old Dominion, Pharmaceutical Association, Richmond Association of Black Colleges and University Alumni (RABCUA), member of the board of health, member of the board of pharmacy, member of the Public Arts Commission and Urban Design Commission for the city of Richmond, and the Virginia Commission for the Arts.
Xi Delta Lambda has been honored over the years to receive outstanding leadership from its presidents - Leo H. Ross, Weldon H. Smith, Gregory R. Stallings, Larry D. James, Sr., James M. Johnson, Elbert Brinson, Wayne A. Hill, Sr., Tony T. Moss, Jerome O. Lee, Ditu Kasuyi, James O. Mason, Darryl L. Coker, Tony Mull, Jerry Fitz and Victor Rogers.
Xi Delta Lambda looks forward to even greater service to the community and to Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. in the 21st century. "New Dimensions In Alpha" continues to be the cornerstone of Xi Delta Lambda because "the greatest among you shall be your servant."
Since 1982 Xi Delta Lambda has been continuing the legacy started by the founders of the fraternity by bringing men out of the darkness into the light of Alpha. Within the light of Alpha we have bonded together on quest to make the communities we serve a better place those who will follow in our foot steps.
Again, we thank you for taking the time to view our website and seeing what Xi Delta Lambda is all about. Xi Delta Lambda is leader in our community and will continue to be "First of All, Servants of All"!
"All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence."
-Brother Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr.

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated
Founding Date:
Tuesday, December 4, 1906
Founding Location:
Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
2313 Saint Paul Street
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Manly Deeds,
Scholarship, and
Love for All Mankind
"First of All, Servants of All, We Shall Transcend All"
The Sphinx
Great Sphinx of Giza
Chapters & Members:
800+ Chapters
290,000+ Lifetime Members
International Website:
Fraternity Mission Statement:
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity develops leaders, promotes brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy for our communities.
Fraternity Vision Statement:
The objectives of this Fraternity shall be to stimulate the ambition of its members; to prepare them for the greatest usefulness in the causes of humanity, freedom, and dignity of the individual; to encourage the highest and noblest form of manhood; and to aid down-trodden humanity in its efforts to achieve higher social, economic and intellectual status. The first two objectives- (1) to stimulate the ambition of its members and (2) to prepare them for the greatest usefulness in the cause of humanity, freedom, and dignity of the individual-serve as the basis for the establishment of Alpha University.