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Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated

Founding Date:
Tuesday, December 4, 1906

Founding Location:
Cornell University, Ithaca, New York

2313 Saint Paul Street
Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Manly Deeds,
Scholarship, and
Love for All Mankind

"First of All, Servants of All, We Shall Transcend All"

The Sphinx

Great Sphinx of Giza

Chapters & Members:
800+ Chapters
290,000+ Lifetime Members

International Website:

Fun Facts...

60% of all Black Male Doctors are ALPHA MEN.
75% of all Black Male Lawyers are ALPHA MEN.
65% of all Black Male Dentists are ALPHA MEN.
95% of all Black Colleges have been headed by ALPHA MEN

Fraternity Mission Statement
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity develops leaders, promotes brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy for our communities. 

Fraternity Vision Statement
The objectives of this Fraternity shall be: to stimulate the ambition of its members; to prepare them for the greatest usefulness in the causes of humanity, freedom, and dignity of the individual; to encourage the highest and noblest form of manhood; and to aid down-trodden humanity in its efforts to achieve higher social, economic and intellectual status. The first two objectives- (1) to stimulate the ambition of its members and (2) to prepare them for the greatest usefulness in the cause of humanity, freedom, and dignity of the individual-serve as the basis for the establishment of Alpha University.


Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. has a National Mentoring Initiative, which covers four areas: Academic Development,Leadership Development, Personal Development and Social Development. Our chapter sponsors programmming which address the goals of each of these areas. We have collaborative partnerships with; the March of Dimes, Faith based organizations, Community based organizations, Boy Scouts of America, Middle and High schools and area colleges who help us deliver needed programs to the Greater New England community. 

A program designed to help develop our youth because they are truly our future. The program has an objective of assisting in the development of youth by coordinating programs that deal with problems they encounter and dates back to the early days of our fraternity. Such programs include teen pregnancy workshops, Big Brother programs and lectures. This program is carried out in collaboration with the March of Dimes. 

Click here for more information 

A program initiated over fifty years ago that continues to stress the importance of higher education. Such activities include High School recruitment for college students, seminars and providing scholarships for higher education. 

Click here for more information 

This program emphasizes the importance of voting and the objective to assure all qualified voters register and vote. This program was very instrumental in the years when minorities were intimidated from using their voting rights. 

Click here for more infomation 

Where chapters actively become involved with Boy Scout chapters because we realize that in many respects there is a common purpose for both organizations. 

Click here for more infomation | Boy Scout National Website 

The Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America program was implemented during the fraternity’s 1990 General Convention. The two organizations signed an agreement to assist each other in reaching their goals of working toward the positive development of African-American youth and empowering their families and communities. 

Click here for more information 

A major fundraiser that provides funding to support research and treatment in fighting prematurity in America. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated has lead the way in being an example by raising money for March for Babies. In 2007 Alpha Phi Alpha raised more than $230,000 for March for Babies.

March of Dimes Website 


History of the Eastern Region of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. was founded on December 4, 1906 in Ithaca, NY, making what is now known as the Eastern Region, the birth place of Alpha. The region comprises of 12 states covering the geographical areas between Virginia and Maine and also includes Bermuda and Germany. The Eastern Region was monumental to the expansion, development and sustainability of Alpha Phi Alpha, especially in its early stages. It was here that the fraternity was incorporated, held its first national convention and began expansion by establishing chapters on other college campuses such as Howard University, Virginia Union University, Yale University, Columbia University, University of Pennsylvania, among many others. 

AlphaEast is also the home of the National Headquarters in Baltimore, Maryland. The region currently has 148 active chapters and over 3,000 active members. AlphaEast takes great pride in being "First of All, Leading the Way." 

Victor Rogers

1st Vice President
Lewis Farmer

2nd Vice President
KiDeem Frierson

Recording Secretary
Larry Frazier

Corresponding Secretary
Gregory B. Marcelle Jr.

David Jaye Winters

Financial Secretary
James Booker

Jerome Lee

Gregory B. Marcelle Jr.

Intake Coordinator
Ronald Dews

Director of Education
David Goodall, Sr.

Michael L. Jones, Jr.

Leo H. Ross

Assoc. Editor/Sphinx
Ryan Bell











Civic Leaders 

Julius L. Chambers - NAACP Legal Defense Fund
Stokley Carmichael - Social Activist
Frederick Douglas - Abolitionist Leader and Scholar
W.E.B. DuBois - Philosopher, Social Activist
Lester Granger - National Urban League
Dick Gregory - Social Activist
Charles Hamilton Houston - NAACP Legal Counsel
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - Civil Rights Leader
Hugh B. Price - Exec. Dir., National Urban League
Paul Robeson - Activist/Actor/Athlete
Wyatt Tee Walker - National Civil Rights Activist/Theologian/Cultural Historian
Whitney M. Young Jr. - Exec. Dir., National Urban League


 Government Leaders 

O. Rudolph Aggrey - U.S. Ambassador to Romania
Kwame Kilpatrick - Mayor of Detroit, MI
Dennis Archer - Former Mayor of Detroit, MI
Richard Arrington - Mayor of Birmingham, Alabama
Theodore Berry - Board of the National NAACP
Edward W. Brooke - U.S. Senator, Massachusetts
Lee Brown - Mayor of Houston, Texas
Willie Brown - Mayor of San Francisco, California
Emmanuel Cleaver - Mayor of Kansas City, Missouri
U.W. Clemon - Federal Judge, U.S. District Court
Charles H. Davenport - 1st Afro-American Police Chief, Vicksburg, MS
Ronald Dellums - Congressman, California 9th District
David Dinkins - Former Mayor of New York, New York
Julian Dixon - Congressman, California 32nd District
Ernest Finney - South Carolina Supreme Court Justice
Harold Ford - Congressman, Tennessee 9th District
William H. Gray, III - Pres & CEO of United Negro College Fund
Earl Hilliard - Congressman, Alabama 7th District
Maynard Jackson - Former Mayor of Atlanta, GA
Harvey Johnson - 1st Afro-American Mayor of Jackson, Mississippi
Sidney A. Jones - Municipal Judge Circuit, Cooke County, Illinois
James A. Joseph - U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of S. Africa
Damon Keith - District Court Judge, Michigan
Henry Marsh - Senator, Virginia 16th District
Thurgood Marshall - U.S. Supreme Court Justice
Ralph Metcalfe - Congressman, Illinois
Ernest N. Morial - 1st Afro-American Mayor of New Orleans
Marc H. Morial - Mayor of New Orleans, Louisiana
Samuel Pierce - U.S. Secretary of HUD
Charles Price - Circuit Court Judge, Montgomery County - Maryland
Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. - U.S. Representative, New York
Charles Rangle - Congressman, New York 15th District
Norman Rice - Mayor of Seattle, Washington
Aubrey Robinson - District Court Judge, Washington D.C.
Eugene Sawyer - Mayor of Chicago, Illinois
Bennett Stewart - U.S. House of Representatives, Illinois
Gerald Thomas - U.S. Ambassador to Kenya
Terrance Todman - U.S. Ambassador to Denmark
Lionel Wilson - Former Mayor of Oakland, California
Andrew Young - Former Mayor of Atlanta, GA

 Business Leaders 

Henry Brown - Vice Pres. of Marketing Affairs & Dev./Anheuser-Busch
W. Melvin Brown - American Development Corporation
Thomas J. Burrell - CEO, Burrell Advertising
John Bustamante - First National Bank Association
Darwin Davis - Equitable Life Insurance
Nathaniel Goldston - CEO & Founder, Gourmet Services, Inc.
Eugene Jackson - CEO, World African Network
Charles James, III - CEO, James Produce
Delano Lewis - Pres. of National Public Radio
Henry Parks - Founder, Parks Sausage, Inc.
Thomas Shropshire - Phillip Morris, Incorporated
Donald Simmons - Simmons Oil Company
Joshua Smith - CEO, Maxima Corporation
Wayman Smith - Anheuser-Busch

 Media/Entertainment Figures 

Cannonball Adderly - World-Famous Jazz Musician
Gerald Albright - World-Famous Jazz Musician
Darryl Bell - Actor, "A Different World"
Tony Brown - Journalist/Television Producer
Countee Cullen - World-Famous Poet
Edward "Duke" Ellington - World-Famous Jazz Musician
Keith Garrett - Exec. Producer, Martin Network Television
Marc Gay - Singer, group "SHAI"
Lionel Hampton - Band Leader
Donny Hathaway - Singer, Musician
Eugene Jackson - National Black Network
John H. Johnson - Publisher, Johnson Publications
Quincy Jones - Musician
Carl Martin - Singer, group "SHAI"
Sidney Poitier - Oscar Award Winning Actor
Lionel Richie - Grammy Award winning musician
Stewart Scott - ESPN Sports Center Reporter
Chuck Stone - Philadelphia Daily News
Darnell Van Rensalier - Singer, group "SHAI"
Keenen Ivory Wayans - Actor, Director, Producer

 Sports Figures 

Walt Bellamy - NBA Player
Junior Bridgeman - NBA Player
John O. Brown - Basketball Coach, Dillard University
Quinn Buckner - NBA Player, Coach, Sportscaster
Wes Chandler - NFL Player, San Diego Chargers
Greg Coleman - NFL's 1st Afro-American Punter
Wayne Embry - General Manager, NBA's Cleveland Cavaliers
Charles Haley - NFL Player, Dallas Cowboys
Chris Huffins - 2000 Olympic Bronze Medalist/ Track & Field
Michael Jackson - NFL Player, Baltimore Ravens
Dhani Jones - NFL Player, New York Giants
Carnell Lake - NFL Player, Pittsburgh Steelers
Mike Merriweather - NFL Player, Pittsburgh Steelers
Jesse Owens - 1936 Olympic Gold Medalist/ Track & Field
Brig Owens - NFL Player, Washington Redskins
Fritz Pollard - 1st Afro-American All-American Football Player
Mike Powell - World Record Holder Long Jump/Track & Field
Jethro Pugh - NFL Player, Dallas Cowboys
Eddie Robinson - All-Time Winningest College Football Coach
Art Shell - NFL Coach, Kansas City Chiefs, NFL Hall of Fame
Lemuel Stinson - NFL Player
Eddie Tolan - 1932 Olympic Gold Medalist, Track & Field
Gene Upshaw - Exec. Dir., NFL's Player's Association
Wes Unseld - Famous NBA Player
Larry Wade - World Class Hurdler, Track & Field
Lenny Wilkins - NBA All-Time Winningest Head Coach
Reggie Williams - NFL Player, Cincinnati Bengals
Eric Wright - NFL Player, San Francisco '49ers

 Education & Scholarship Leaders 

Calvin Burnett - Pres. of Coppin State University
James Check - Howard University
Julius Chambers - Pres. of North Carolina Central University
Thomas W. Cole, Jr. - Pres. of Clark-Atlanta University
Thomas W. Cole, Sr. - Pres. of Wiley College
James Costen - Pres. of Interdenominational Theological Center
William B. Delauder - Pres. of Delaware State University
James Douglas - Pres. of Texas-Southern University
Henry Edwards - World-Famous Sociologist, Professor, U.C. Berkeley
Norman Francis - Pres. of Xavier University
John Hope Franklin - Author, Historian
E. Franklin Frazier - Prominent Sociologist
George Gore - President, Florida A&M University
Cornelius Henderson - Gammon Theological Seminary
Fredrick Humphries - Pres. of Florida A&M University
Ernest Holloway - Pres. of Langston University
Freeman A. Hrabowski, III - Pres. of Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore
William P. Hytche - Chancellor, Univ. Of Maryland-Princess Anne
Thomas F. Law - President St. Paul's College
Joseph T. McMillan, Jr. - Pres. of Huston-Tillotson College
Fredrick Patterson - Founder, U.N.C.F.
Benjamin Payton - Pres. of Tuskegee University
Henry Ponder - Pres. of Fisk University, N.A.F.E.O.
Earl Richardson - Pres. of Morgan State University
John Slaughter - E. Engineer, Pres. of Univ. of Maryland, College Park
Louis Sullivan - Pres. of Morehouse Med. School
Walter Washington - Pres. of Alcorn State University
Charles H. Wesley - Historian, Pres. of Central Ohio State College
Thomas H. Henderson - Pres. of Virginia Union University

 Military Leaders 

Gen. Roscoe Cartwright - General, AUS
Brig. Gen. Fred A. Gorden - Brigadier General, USA, Commandant of Cadets, West Point
Adm. Samuel Gravely - Admiral, U.S. Navy
Rear Adm. Benjamin Hacker - Rear Admiral U.S. Navy, Commander, San Diego Naval Base
Maj. Gen. Edward Honor - Major General, AUS
Maj. Gen. James McCall - Chief, Pentagon Budget Office
Com. Winston Scott - NASA Astronaut


 Science/Medical Leaders 

James Comer - Prominent Psychologist
Joseph Gayles - Morehouse Med. College, Amer. Cancer Society
Lasalle Lefall - 1st Afro-American Pres. of American Cancer Society
Garrett Morgan - Inventor of the Traffic Signal
Louis Sullivan - Sec. of Health and Education, Pres. of Morehouse Med. School
Levi Watkins - Chief of Cardiovascular Surgery, John Hopkins Hospital

 Religious Leaders 

Bishop John Hurst Adams - Pres. of Congress of Black Churches
Tyrone L. Cryder - National Exec. Dir. of Operation P.U.S.H.
Harold Davis - Pres. of American Baptist Churches
T.J. Jemison - Pres. of National Baptist Convention
E. Edward Jones - National Baptist Convention, America
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - Civil Rights Leader
Alfred J. Smith - President, Progressive National Baptist Convention
Wyatt Tee Walker - Exec. Asst. M.L. King, Jr., Pres. of S.C.L.C.

First of All, Servants of All, We Shall Transcend All


The March of Dimes and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. began collaboratively implementing Project Alpha in 1980.  Designed to provide young men with current and accurate information about teenage pregnancy prevention, Project Alpha consists of a series of workshops and informational sessions conducted by Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity brothers. 
The three goals of Project Alpha programs are: 

  • Sharing Knowledge by combating ignorance and fear with factual information.

  • Changing Attitudes by providing motivation toward positive changes in sexual behavior.

  • Providing Skills by creating a sense of empowerment and self-esteem



Established to oversee the development of the memorial project, the Washington, D.C. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Project Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit fundraising arm of the fraternity. The foundations mission is "to commemorate the life and work of  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by leading a collaborative funding, design and construction process in the creation of a memorial to honor his national and international contributions to world peace through non-violent social change."

Go To High School, Go To College established in 1922, concentrates on the importance of completing secondary and collegiate education as a road to advancement. Statistics prove the value of this extra impetus in making the difference in the success of young African-American men, given that school completion is the single best predictor of future economic success. Through the Go-to-High-School, Go-to-College educational initiative, young men receive information and learn strategies that facilitate success. Alpha men provide youth participants with excellent role models to emulate. It is a program counseling youth on the importance of post-secondary education while introducing them to promising professions. Through the program, students and their families are provided information about college entrance and financial aid. The counseling thrust is augmented by a vigorous scholarship program for college-bound youth.



Xi Delta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. was chartered on March 5, 1982 in Henrico County, Virginia.  The official chartering ceremony was held on May 22, 1982 at the Holiday Inn Downtown.
The charter members of Xi Delta Lambda Chapter are Phillip E. Battle, James P. Cuffee, Alan J. Foster, Sr., John S. Greene, Jr., Clifton Johnson, James M. Johnson, John C. Puryear, Leo H. Ross, Weldon H. Smith, Dennis R. Winston, James E. Wright, Jr., and Carrol E. Zanders.

"New Dimensions In Alpha" is the concept that embodies the hopes and aspirations of the chapter as a reference point and barometer of the community.
Xi Delta Lambda has been deeply involved in the educational, health, and political fabric of the community.  The chapter has sponsored Career Awareness Programs in the public schools, health fairs, March on Henrico County, March on Washington (1983), Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Learning Week sponsor, voter registration, sponsor students to Eastern Regional Leadership Workshop at Howard University, Project Alpha, Xi Fest-A-Val dance, and Alpha tennis tournament.
Xi Delta Lambda has been a mainstay in the Virginia Association of Chapters of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. (VACAPAF) since the chapter was chartered.  Chapter brothers, elected or appointed, have served as area director, president, first vice president, financial, corresponding, and recording secretary, director of college affairs, and director of conventions.     Xi Delta Lambda has maintained a visible presence on the regional level where chapter brothers have served as area director, area coordinator, risk management coordinator, district director, regional convention chairman, and regional treasurer.

Chapter Accomplishments 

Xi Delta Lambda was twice selected Alumni Chapter of the Year by VACAPAF and the     Eastern Region.  Three chapter brothers were selected Alumni Brother of the Year by VACAPAF and the Eastern Region.  And in 1987 a chapter brother, Leo H. Ross, was selected National Alumni Brother of the Year.

Xi Delta Lambda has provided the community with much of its leadership.  Three chapter members have served as president of their alumni associations.  Chapter members have served as scouting leaders, vice president of the NAACP, president of the Henrico County Civic League, Pan Hellenic Council of Metro Richmond, Old Dominion    Pharmaceutical Association, Richmond Association of Black Colleges and University Alumni (RABCUA), member of the board of health, member of the board of pharmacy, member of the Public Arts Commission and Urban Design Commission for the city of Richmond, and the Virginia Commission for the Arts.

Xi Delta Lambda has been honored over the years to receive outstanding leadership from its presidents - Leo H. Ross, Weldon H. Smith, Gregory R. Stallings, Larry D. James, Sr., James M. Johnson, Elbert Brinson, Wayne A. Hill, Sr., Tony T. Moss, Jerome O. Lee, Ditu Kasuyi, James O. Mason, and Darryl L. Coker.
Xi Delta Lambda looks forward to even greater service to the community and to Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. in the 21st century.  "New Dimensions In Alpha" continues to be the cornerstone of Xi Delta Lambda because "the greatest among you shall be your servant."

Since 1982 Xi Delta Lambda has been continuing the legacy started by the founders of the fraternity by bringing men out of the darkness into the light of Alpha. 

Within the light of Alpha we have bonded together on quest to make the communities we serve a better place those who will follow in our foot steps.


The Weldon H. Smith Scholarship Foundation was formed in Henrico County, Virginia in 1996, in memory of the late Weldon H. Smith. Weldon was a native of Bedford, Virginia where he attended public schools. He received a Bachelors of Science Degree in Business Education from Saint Paul's College, Lawrenceville, Virginia. He taught in the Bedford School System before moving to Richmond, Virginia. After moving to the Richmond area with his wife Patricia, Weldon became very active in civic and church activities. He served as a Deacon and President of the church choir at Ebenezer Baptist Church. He also served as President of the Richmond chapter of the Saint Paul's College Alumni Association, as well as, Charter member and President of Xi Delta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Henrico, Virginia.


The Xi Delta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated announces the continuation of the WELDON H. SMITH SCHOLASTIC ACHIEVEMENT AWARD.  This is being made available for the support of an African-American male who has demonstrated both academic promise as well as financial need.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated, was founded in 1906 on the campus of Cornell University, is the oldest Black Greek-letter organization in the world.  As part of our national program(s), the fraternity works diligently with young people in a variety of ways.  To date, programs have been established which focus attention on staying in school, remaining drug free, reducing teenage pregnancy and assisting students in making the transition from high school to college, just to mention a few.
The Weldon H. Smith Scholastic Achievement Award seeks to recognize a graduating male student who has:
       . Distinguished himself academically (minimum GPA of 2.5/4.0)
       . The qualities of a good student citizen (2 letters of recommendation)
       . Participated in school and community activities
       . Earned the respect of his teachers and peers (1 letter of recommendation)
       . Been accepted to an accredited post-secondary educational institution
The formal application is provided for your convenience.  Thus, the Application Steps are as follows:
1.  Submit 3 copies of the completed application package, postmarked by TBA
2.  Include a transcript of grades in your completed package and a small photo of yourself
3. Submit 3 letters of recommendation from school and community resource persons
4.  Upon receipt of completed package, a personal interview will be scheduled (Dress appropriately)
Completed applications should be mailed to:  Mr. David Goodall, Sr., 8308 Flinthill Dr., Richmond Va.  23227

Applications are due no later than April 18, 2015

Beta Gamma, Virginia State University, Petersburg, VA
Delta Tau, St. Paul's College, Lawrenceville, VA
Epsilon Pi, Norfolk State University, Norfolk, VA
Gamma, Virginia Union University, Richmond, VA
Gamma Iota, Hampton University, Hampton, VA
Iota Alpha, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Iota Beta, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
Kappa Pi, College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA
Nu Theta, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA
Sigma Pi, Lynchburg College, Lynchburg, VA
Theta Iota, Virginia Tech & Radford University, Blacksburg, VA
Theta Rho, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
Xi Delta, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA
Xi Zeta, Hampden Syndey & Longwood University, Farmville, VA

Alpha Kappa Lambda, Roanoke, VA
Alpha Phi Lambda, Norfolk, VA
Beta Gamma Lambda, Richmond, VA
Delta Beta Lambda, Hampton, VA
Delta Nu Lambda, Danville, VA
Epsilon Iota Lambda, Suffolk, VA
Epsilon Nu Lambda, Portsmouth, VA
Epsilon Omicron Lambda, Lawrenceville, VA
Gamma Alpha Lambda, Charlottesville, VA
Gamma Nu Lambda, Lynchburg, VA
Iota Tau Lambda, Pamplin, VA
Nu Delta Lambda, Chesapeake, VA
Nu Lambda, Petersburg, VA
Nu Omicron Lambda, Fort Lee, VA
Omicron Alpha Lambda, Fredericksburg, VA
Rho Iota Lambda, Chesterfield, VA
Theta Rho Lambda, Arlington, VA
Xi Alpha Lambda, Prince William County, VA
Xi Delta Lambda, Henrico County, VA                       
Zeta Upsilon Lambda, Reston, VA
Zeta Lambda, Newport News, VA

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